Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Sleepyhead Part Deux…

The shrill alarm went off at 6:30am this morning, but I managed to go back to sleep. Tracy’s stirring didn’t wake me again. I slept until eleven and couldn’t sleep no more. Wheezy and I were bedbugs. It was glorious. My phone didn’t ring miraculously once. I got up and headed to my father’s house to pick up some medicine. He had left a bottle of his homemade cough syrup “John’s cough syrup” between the screen door and the kitchen door.

“I am afraid you are going to have to quit smoking,” my father told me last night. “Your cough worries me so.”

This year I will have been smoking thirty years. How do you give up a lifetime habit? I started smoking when I was sixteen. I go outside to smoke on the porch since Tracy has moved in. It has greatly curtailed the amount I am imbibing.

The small animal clinic closes from noon to 1pm for lunch and I knew Tracy was coming home to eat. I got two turkey pot pies cooking in my toaster oven. They just taste better cooked in an oven than microwaved. I thought that would be a warm treat on this cold and dreary winter’s day. The large Marie Calendar’s pot pies are so delicious.

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