Tuesday, January 02, 2018

Is Blogging Narcissistic?

Is blogging narcissistic? I mean, who wants to read what I wrote today -- the mundane aspects of my life. A lady who shall remain unknown was going on about another blogger who writes mundane details of their life. "Does she think we want to read this shit?" were her words of wisdom. It made me feel self-conscious. I am a fan of her blog so it took me by surprise that she would write such a thing. Envy? Jealousy? Or just having a bad day? I guess we are all subject to social gaffes from time to time.


skinny minny said...

Personally I like the blogs that include the mundane aspects of peoples life better than those that don't because I can relate better. I love reading your blog because it is whatever your life is at the moment boring, mundane, exciting, fun, aggravating, happy and all.

amelia said...

What Skinny Minnie said.

Summer said...

I agree with skinny minny. If people find it boring, then they don't have to read it.

Rita said...

What they all said. It is not narcissistic, it is more of a public journal. When I see stuff people write that I don't like, I move on. So can the rest of the world. But did you know that narcissistic people are some of the most critical people in the world? You are not a critical person. Also, narcissistic people are all about how they look. I have way too many narcissistic relatives, so I know narcissists and that you are not in that realm.