Saturday, January 27, 2018

There's Light At the End of the Tunnel...

I hope I don't speak too soon, but it seems my insomnia phase is easing. I got some pretty decent sleep last night. Well, I slept about five to six hours, but it was a fitful sleep full of dreams. It seems I am also easing back into a diurnal existence. I think the two coincide. It is odd for me to be awake at 8:30 AM in the morning. It is also weird having all this daytime on my hands. I am waiting until about 9 AM before I call my father to see how is he doing and if he feels any better. I might just surprise him with some breakfast this rainy morning.

I heard from my dear Rosa last night. She called me and I just happened to answer the phone.

"I try to call you all the time, but you never answer the phone," she admonished me.

"Let it ring four times and I will call you back," I told her.

She lives with her daughter in Atlanta now taking care of her grandkids while her daughter works. Rosa is also on disability now so they have some extra income coming in. She has been clean and sober for ten years she told me. I blushed and said aw shucks last night when she told me I was the love of her life. She said I made her feel like a teenager again.

"So? When can I see you?" Rosa asked me catching me off guard.

I stuttered and stammered a little bit.

"I might just have to take a trip to Atlanta," I told her. "I could die for one of those greasy fried peach pies from the Varsity."


glittermom said...

How exciting to hear from your old friend. The old gang needs to have a reunion. Rosa, ferret, and George. I loved the stories from back then.

Sharyn said...

I so agree with Glittermom. Rosa! I have so wondered about her, clara, pookie, any of them. Has it seriously been 10 years? Time passes so quickly for me. What happened to Pipe Tobacco? The homelessguy is homed again in San Diego. Which really makes me wonder why he stayed in Nashville all those years when he so easily moved back? Hmmm. Please let us know if you meet up with Rosa. But beware, even tho you both have so many years clean and sober; your only real history (that I recall) was a drinking/drugging one. I just wrote a long blog on about how much I miss everyone and every thing! Do you remember a blogger girl named Liz? She was on disability and had a little dog named Sadie. She was famous for her "LJs" (Little Joys). And silly Rosa, she could have left a message!!