Thursday, January 04, 2018

The Ties that Bind Us...

"I can't make it to the grocery store tonight," I just told my father over the phone. "Mental illness wise something is going on with me today."

"What's wrong?" dad asked worriedly with a tone of exasperation.

It really hit me late this afternoon well after my noon medications. I could've just died for a six pack of ice beer to soothe what ails me. This is why I drank for all those years.

"My mind is racing like crazy and I can't settle down," I told him woefully. "I usually can sit in my lazy boy and look out the window for an hour or more, but I can't do that today. I can't even listen to my cherished music."

"I'll take care of it," Old Fuss and Feathers replied. "What do you want to eat tonight?"

"Just a hamburger and a large Coke would be nice," I told my father meekly -- hoping not to trouble him too much.

"I'll get it on the way home," he said. "I'll see you about eight."

It's a disconcerting feeling when your mind races and you feel as if you are going to jump out of your skin. I hate days like this and wish I could just go to sleep until I feel better. Alas, my mind won't slow down enough for a nap. I just took my nighttime meds and hope to feel a little better soon. Maybe that Klonopin will slow my mind down.

(The nighttime medications did the trick. I feel much calmer and my mind is slowing down.)

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