Thursday, September 06, 2018

Do You Want Some Cheese With That Whine?

I don’t think I am ever going to get my computer monitor. By Christmas, I will have $950 to spend if I don’t buy anything until then. I’ve been thinking that I will just wait and buy the monitor and a kickass video card at Christmas time. Surely, Old Fuss and Feathers won’t forget to order it then – leave me without my Christmas.

Newegg Order

1 comment:

Sharyn said...

Maybe Dad will soon let you speak directly to his "computer ordering guy". If he's out of the middle, and not micro managing, he'd be less stressed, you'd be less stressed and I don't know about the ordering guy....LOL But since he's helping you gain independence, and I know computer parts make his eyes glaze over much like mine; maybe that where it's leading.

Let's face it, with your knowledge, you should be able to go online with Dad (warm him of prices before hand) and show him how you can order directly by yourself. You speak computer. The seller speaks computer. You don't need to bother one, let alone 2, middlemen.

Loving the new changes you are having!