Monday, September 10, 2018

Sept. 10th Tablet Scribblings… Finished With My Day…

It is time to hit the road folks. I didn’t get to sleep until 2 am last night and I feel a serious nap coming on. I also almost forgot to take my medications and was wondering why I felt a little jittery and nervous come noon.

This morning started off FUBAR. Lopez Landscaping showed up to mow my lawn at 7 am. I was just leaving to head to the Humane Society. I had to scramble back inside and lock the dog door so Maggie wouldn’t escape when they mowed the back yard. I hope there aren’t any accidents when I arrive home. Maggie can hold it with the best of them, though.

“Y’all can’t come at seven,” I told the foreman. “You’re going to wake up all my neighbors. It’s inconvenient for me as well.”

I am very excited about the weather. We have a 70% chance of thunderstorms today. I hope to be awakened in a few hours by the clap of thunder. A line of storms is already forming to our South.

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