Monday, September 03, 2018

The Vodka Compulsion…

George's VodkaI took that picture of the bottle of vodka in George’s yard yesterday, but I didn’t check to see if it had any vodka left. I walked back out a moment ago and picked it up and it has a few ounces left. I opened the cap and sniffed. Oh, it smelled so good. I love the smell of spirits. I stood there for a long time thinking. It had enough vodka for a good buzz. The better angels of my nature took over and I poured it out and threw the bottle in George’s trash – disaster diverted. I have a 11 AM date with my father to watch a movie and he would have certainly discerned it in my demeanor and smelled it on my breath. The proverbial shit would have hit the fan ruining our movie.


glittermom said...

No holiday cookout today at Charlie’s?

Rita said...

If your dad have seen that bottle in your trash he would have thought it was yours.

PipeTobacco said...


Any new information about George?
