Monday, September 10, 2018

Inflation or Daylight Robbery?

My father just informed me this afternoon that the cost of my injection jumped from $300 to $700. Isn’t that just amazing and disturbing at the same time? I won’t dare tell Rebecca that as she will worry she will botch an injection and have to pay for it. Still though, that’s just astronomical in price.

I did get some awesome news in the mail today. It was from Social Security. They have decided not to review my case for another three years. Thank god and what a sigh of relief. My father let out a big sigh as well as I read the letter to him.

1 comment:

Sharyn said...

Do they still review you? I got reviewed once, in my late 40's. What happened with me was Office Workers with no medical background were the questioners. The answerer was my shrink who talked down to all of them. Asked them how they could make medical based decisions with no background and informed them, that when and if they got their psychiatric degrees, he'd be happy to talk to them. So they sent me to a shrink. But my shrink had a couple of more letters after his name than theirs so he told them, when they can diagnose on HIS educational level, he would talk to them too.

So, I got a nice $225 "cost of living increase". But since it was January, I thought everyone got a "cost of living increase". I guess everyone didn't get $225 more a month?