Friday, September 14, 2018

There is a Little Computering Going On At the Moment…

bltI was over at my father’s house tonight. Charlie was fixing supper and making him and dad bacon, lettuce, and tomato sandwiches.

“I think there is something outside the front door for you,” dad blithely told me looking benign.

This big grin formed on my face and I rushed to the front of the house to open the door. There sat my ultra high definition monitor in all its glory.

“Gotta run!” I said walking through the kitchen with my very heavy box.

“Aren’t you going to even eat a sandwich?” Charlie asked me worriedly.

“It is going to be Lean Cuisine tonight folks,” I replied and Charlie and dad both laughed.

I told them both goodnight as they sat at the kitchen table and hurriedly drove home ever mindful of the police.

It didn’t take me but ten minutes to get the monitor out of the box and attached to my computer. It meets and exceeds my expectations. The picture is just gorgeous. Text has never been so crisp and clear on my computer. Colors just pop off the screen.


glittermom said...

My favorite sandwich! BLT

Anonymous said...

Yay! Victory is sweet! I don't know what the hell you got, but it sounds neat!

Jennifer <3