Friday, September 21, 2018

The K.I.S.S. Principle–Keep it Simple Stupid…

Little Caesar'sThat is how I’ve gone about my day today. I volunteered my three hours, grabbed lunch at Sarah Jay’s which was a delicious burger and fries, and came home and took a long nap with the Mag Dawg.

Charlie woke me up late this afternoon with half a Little Caesar’s ExtraMostBestest pepperoni and sausage pizza which I relished. I had never eaten a pizza with so much cheese on it and there was extra sauce hiding under all that cheese. It was gooey, delicious, and delectable.

“What’s your daddy doing?” Charlie asked me at one point.

“Dad is cleaning that gargantuan house today,” I replied. “He was mopping the kitchen floor when I called him earlier.”

“I’m headed his way,” Charlie replied. “Maybe he will be glad for a break.”

“I am sure he will be glad to see you,” I told Charlie.

“Does Auburn play tomorrow?” Charlie then asked me.

“Yes and it’s a night game. It won’t start until 7:30 eastern time,” I replied.

“Let’s pray hope they win!” Charlie exclaimed. ”For all our sakes.”

I chuckled and agreed. Maybe we can get old sourpuss to smile and laugh for the first time in a week. We are playing an unranked Arkansas so the odds are in our favor.


glittermom said...

Sounds like Charlie’s not a big football fan either.

glittermom said...

Didn’t your dad say a while ago that he was selling that house?