Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Look Who Showed Up On My Doorstep…

chickfilasaucesnew“I noticed the other night that your lampshades were looking threadbare so I went and bought you some after work,” Charlie told me.

“Where would you buy lampshades?” I asked just out of curiosity.

“I got them at Walmart,” Charlie replied.

That figures. Walmart sells everything these days.

“I was drunk one night and fell on that one,” I blithely told Charlie

Charlie laughed and chuckled.

“Just another reason for you not to drink. Don’t you get drunk and fall on your new lampshades!”

“Here are also two Chick-Fil-A chicken sandwiches,” Charlie then said. “I got you plenty of that Polynesian sauce you so love.”

There were like ten containers of Polynesian sauce in the bottom of the bag. Can you say overkill?

During all of this, Maggie was about to have an orgasm of happiness.

“Let me get on the couch with Maggie then I have to take Horsefly bowling,” Charlie said.

Maggie very vocally let Charlie know how happy she was to see him.

I was just as overjoyed as Maggie about us having company. Charlie brings gifts and also brightens moods for which mine was rather morose before he arrived. It also got me off my duff and gave me something to write about. 

There is Something About That Risperdal…

This morning was my injection so I have been really, really drowsy all day. At one point, I fell asleep sitting upright in my recliner. Try that on for size. I’ve tried to fight sleep all day so I will sleep tonight.

“You look like you need an injection,” Rebecca told me this morning.

“Do I look that bad?” I asked worriedly.

“You look like you had a hard time getting it all together this morning,” she told me.

“You know me well after all these years,” I replied to her. “I am really struggling this morning. It was a miracle I managed to buy groceries last night.”

I can get to looking rather frumpy and unkempt around injection time.


Summer said...

Save that sauce. You can use it on some of your bland frozen dinners!

Anonymous said...

"orgasm of happiness"

giggles like a little schoolgirl...

Jennifer <3