Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Well, I’ll Be a Monkey’s Uncle… Sept. 12 Tablet Scribblings…

Asus Computer Monitor 2I can’t believe it, but my father ordered my ultra high definition monitor for my computer yesterday. I called the pharmacy asking for more Prilosec for my frequent heartburn as I had taken my last pill that morning. Dad said he would bring me some more last night.

“Do you have anything else you want to ask me?” he asked strangely.

I stood there with the phone to my ear stymied.

“Did you order my new screen?” I then asked hesitantly not wanting to antagonize my father.

“Yes we did!” he said. “Matt just printed me an invoice.”

You should have heard the accolades I gave my father. I was fawning all over him as he chuckled. I was one happy and joyous soul. Now, the final piece of the puzzle lies in me getting a video card that can play games at 4K resolutions and that will come this Christmas. I better start saving some money!

Sapphire Nitro  Radeon Vega 64

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

All this computer stuff just boggles my brain.

Jennifer <3