Tuesday, January 22, 2008

A Woman at it's Finest...

The first thing Joyce did when arriving home from the hospital was to go get her hair done.  That made me smile and I knew then that she was feeling better.  She has been constantly driving, though, and that worries me.  I will be sitting at this computer and will see her car drive by numerous times during the day.  I don't know what she is doing, but she stays on the road. 

Maggie is back to getting her half-a-pan of cornbread every night that Joyce cooks with her supper.  Rosa and I will be sitting in my den as we hear Joyce call Maggie.  Maggie will clamor to get outside through the dog door to greet her friend.   "Yes, you are my special pups.  Are you hungry?" will be heard through my screened porch door.  It is so good to be able to hear that again.   


Car Update!

Mom just called and we go to the Honda dealership to pick my car up at 4 PM tomorrow afternoon.  They are performing the 100,000 mile service on it.  Something else I could never afford on my own.  My parent's have been very kind about this whole ordeal and I appreciate it.  They could have scorned me because it was my own stupidity in leaving my keys in the car that allowed it to get stolen. 


Thodgson said...

I am so happy for Joyce to be home again!!! You are a good friend to worry about the being on the road alot thing. I sure bet Maggie is happy to have the cornbread dessert return:)

Rhette said...

I'm glad to be here -- able to keep up with your blog :) Thanks so much for inviting me ...

I am SO happy for you. You have always done what you felt was best for you & it works!

jrlmx2 said...


(yay for Maggie and yay for the car!)

Sharyna said...

Should Joyce be driving? What if she has a spell away from home and can't get back? Or is your town (like mine) so small that the authorities know her? Glad to see the car is coming home!


Tee said...

Two good reports--Joyce is home and Maggie really likes that! AND your get your wheels back!!!!! Do you think Joyce gets confused as to where she lives?

justLacey said...

So all is well in Andrewville! I'm happy that Joyce is back and doing ok. Maybe she drives around just to be out after being locked up for so long. I don't know why, but I just feel for her. She has had such a hard time lately and I can only imagine what goes on in her mind. At least you give us a glimpse of yours and you seem pretty good most of the time. I know a life with mental illness is harder than we can imagine, but i am grateful that you have been doing so weel and hoe for Joyce to find the same peace if only for a little while.
Enjoy having your car back. I hated the few months i had to go without one a couple of years ago.

mosiacmind said...

I am happy to hear thjat you will have your car back...that Joyce is home...and Maggie gets her treat from Joyce. It sounds like even though Joyce seems to be struggling that it is good for you two to be able to spend time together.........