Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Wishy Washy

I was going to make this blog invite only, but sent myself an invite and went through the sign up process and it was a pain in the ole derrière.  I will keep my eyes tuned to some of my favorite forums and see if something easier is available to have a selective readership.  I was just growing paranoid with the amount of people reading with no control over it.   I share far too openly and feel I don't have a lot of self control or common sense when dealing with this aspect of my journaling.  I have been known to be wishy washy and the blog is open again for public reading.   


amelia said...

I couldn't believe it when I couldn't get in earlier!!

How can we be sure to be in your readership?

amelia said...


I don't have a blog.

CJM-R said...

I am very happy to see it open again. I would miss your blog very much.

I do understand how you feel though, and it is your right to make it private.

I hope that you can manage to find a balance so that you can keep your readers who have come to think of you as a good friend.

Take Care,

Darlene said...

If you do decide to go private please add me to your list of invites. I enjoy reading about Maggie, your mom, dad and friends.

Beautifully Profound said...

It's YOUR blog you can be wishy washy if you like.

Sharyna said...

I, too, enjoy your family and friends. Be as wishy washy as you like.


Barb said...

My heart sank when my request was denied, because you hadnt added me to your "list". I cant imagine how it feels to be extroidinarily interesting, and to be followed by people that read about your life. I see you as incredibly strong, honest and talented, that I read about daily because your writings are fresh, funny and full of life. Thank you!


Anne said...

Glad to see you opened it back up again as I read your blog every day and an cheering you on!

Anne said...

Andrew, I also wanted to say that I see so many good things going on in your life now and I am confident that you are going to be successful! You have learned so many lesson, some of them very hard, but you are learning! Bless you!

Tee said...

Thank you from the bottom of the heart of a technology challenged reader. LOL! If you had difficulty signing up can you imagine what us poor folks that can barely use a computer went through? :-) I really enjoy your blog--you sharing about your friends, family and your best friend--Maggie. Is your weather blog still going? Am I overlooking the link?

Tee said...

Sorry, the weather blog link couldn't be any bigger, duh!

greglo said...

Same thing here! Sure glad the blog is open again, Andrew!
If you decide to invite people I'd be happy to remain one of your reader.
I don't comment much these days but keep reading you everyday whenever I have a chance.
Have a nice day, Andrew and thanks for such a great blog.

PipeTobacco said...


Please keep in the back of your mind when you go to the rehab services meeting.... try to ask them if you can locate a job that is of the appropriate hours so you do not have to relinquish your SSDI check. Even if there are issues about your access to the check, it is still safer to stay close to but below the limits to continue to qualify for this important benefit.

Your friend,


Upsy-Downsy said...

I have come to really enjoy reading and learning from your blog. You have a great opportunity to help a lot of people understand homelessness, alcholism, and schizophrenia. If you went private, would you still be able to help as many people?

Ryan said...

Don't forget to invite me!

amypalko said...

I can understand why you might want to do this, Andrew. I, too, find it difficult to decide what to post and what not to. Ultimately, I write down in my actual journal my truly personal posts, and in my blog I post for readers. I do believe though, Andrew, that by sharing your perspective on life with all its joy and all its difficulties, your blog helps so many people to understand themselves and others better. I, for one, would be very sorry not to be able to read your words and see your lovely photos. Thank you for continuing to share them with me :-)

justLacey said...

At least your comments have been pretty good lately. Better to have a few normal ones than all those anonymous weirdos.

forsythia said...

Andrew, Yours is the only blog I read every day, so I am glad you're still here. I have found other good blogs through your list of favorites. Glad you're not going away.

Christie said...

I really like reading your blog because you're open and honest, not to mention a talented writer. I felt rejected when I wasn't "invited" but I understand wanting some privacy. Thanks for sharing what you have though!

Judy said...

I was so sad when I saw that yesterday. I don't have a blog but really enjoy reading yours and I care so much about how you are. I felt like I was in the middle of a great novel and then lost the book. I thought well, if I can't read about him anymore I will make my own happy ending. You are doing so well now and I am so happy for you! But I respect your decision if that is what you decide to do.

stellablue said...

Just wanted to add that I've been a lurker/faithful reader for at least 6 months now, and although I dont comment much, I don't have nefarious intentions by lurking! I think you have a wonderful gift for writing and am always entertained by your musings. I hope you'll take comfort in knowing at least one mysterious lurker (from Nashville no less - via KY) has been outed :)


pattycakes said...

wow i was so mad,sad,disappointed when you made it private , i had to do it 3 times to make sure i was correct . im glad your back now, please stay , your never boring and i love to hear whats gooing on in your life , and i esp. like your video blogs. i can understand once in a while you wanting to leave tho, im sure you receive many mean comments. but dont worry those kind of people prob do it on other blogs too and arent very nice people to know in real life. have a great day andrew :)

Ladyfriend said...

Thank you for keeping you blog open. It's my first read of the day!

Nickol said...

I don't comment very much but I do enjoy reading your blog and was disappointed when I couldn't get in.

jane said...

thanks for the invite, but i am pleased you decided to open it back up. it think some folks take inspiration from you. i know that your blog forces me to look at the world differently.


p.s. thrilled about your car!

Chandira said...

I understand the need to go private, it works well for Jo, and she shares her heart very openly, which is good for all of us. But you seem to do a great job of that already.

If you do, can I still come visit?

muttonfish said...

Like others have mentioned, I understand the need to protect yourself, I really do. But I am one of your anonymous lurkers who reads you every day and silently cheers you on. If you do decide to go "invite only," I hope you will consider adding me to the list. Thanks!!! :)



Your blog your life your rules! Whatever you feel is best. I would ask for an invite, but that's up to you to give out.
I do hope you do what is best for you, I completely know how it is for protecting your own interests. I have three little ones to watch over as well!

nengaku said...

I've been worried about you for several days but didn't think to check here because I thought you had made the switch to invitation-only. Glad to hear everything is OK.
I think you do a pretty good job of keeping it anonymous here. No last names, you never mention the name of the town you live in, etc. I've paid attention to those details in my blog and I learned that from you.
Anyway - I missed reading you every day and I'm glad I can catch up today. If you do go invite-only please invite me. You have my e-mail address now. (you are the only reader who does....)