Wednesday, January 16, 2008

It's Sleeting!!!

It is sleeting here like I haven't seen it sleet in years.  I just excitedly called my father who is also weather obsessed.

"Isn't this just incredible?" my father responded.  He was in his car.

"The ground crunches when you step on it," I said. "I hope it keeps up!"

"Keep me informed," Dad said as he hung up. 

I put a video of the sleet falling on the weather blog if you are interested. 


Kelly Jene said...

Great picture! You can see the individual granules. Interesting! I'll be checking out the video...

Barb said...

When it sleets here in is so unusual, that people find themselves flocking to the window to get a look at it, and hope to have the chance to run outside to touch it. It usually stops in the meantime...but it is facinating!


forsythia said...

You have obviously stolen our winter. We have not had ANY sleet or snow to speak of this year. I am sick of living in a tropical paradise in mid-January. WHERE are the snows of yesteryear? When do I get to wear my pretty woolen sweaters? When do I get to wear my plush-trimmed boots? I don't want to see men in T-shirts and shorts in the dead of winter. I wanna see snow blowers, snow shovels, salt trucks, wool hats, mittens, mufflers, chapstick, snowmen, dog pee in the snow, slushy run-off, killer icicles hanging from the roof, Robert Frost, Jack Frost, Olympia Snow, and the glare of ice.

Tee said...

IT'S SNOWING IN SOUTH METRO ATLANTA!!!!!!! We just went to pick up our van and while we were at the shop it started to snow. As we drove home it was really snowing hard, well hard for the Atlanta area. The weather report on the radio said it was mainly snowing south of the city. This has happened before when the front sweeps south and it's cold and we get all the snow. I bet there are school kids praying for LOTS of the white stuff. We still want to make it to NC tomorrow. We'll see. I bet all you people up north and west are laughing your heads off at us southerners that want snow sooooo bad. LOL!

Eric Valentine said...

Nice pic Andrew, if you want to see snow, check out the 1 min video at my site of the storm we had a couple of weeks ago.. :)

forsythia said...

I'll say it again to you dern Southerners. That snow belongs to US. Send it up here! NOW!

We're supposed to get a pathetic dusting today. I want a snow that shuts down the federal, state, and county governments for nigh onto a week.

darla said...

Andrew, it still isn't cold enough to do this where I live. It just rained here all day yesterday. Boo Hoo...