Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Nice to Know I Have Support!

"Hell, you aren't gonna work a job.  You haven't worked in years.  If you get a job, then you will quit in three days." 

-- My dearest Dad last night when I told him I was looking. 

To be fair, Dad feels about me like I feel about Kevin, The Homeless Guy, Barbieux.  What goes around, comes around as the old saying goes.  He also told me it will be April, my birthday, before he will allow me any of my disability cash.  See why I want to work?  I don't want somebody telling me what and how much of MY money I can get.  I want to be independent. 


jane said...

i know you will prove him wrong. your instincts about independence are spot on. best of luck,

p.s. i love maggie. i have a dog too - chesapeake bay retriever/labrador mix who makes me smile all day long. dogs are great companions.

CJM-R said...

It will be a pleasure when you prove him wrong!


PipeTobacco said...


It is very sad that he tells you that. I do not know if you have quit on the idea of acquiring a different designated payee... I suspect you may have. To me, however, it would likely make a world of difference in your life if you did that.

Also, are there any other drug stores/pharmacies (besides the one your father works at of course) in your town that you could apply to clerk/clean at? That could perhaps be enjoyable (such as a Walgreen or a Rite-Aid).


Barb said...

I agree with the other 2 ladies, dont take what you dad said to heart. You are working or attempting to work for you. You have learned to be helpless for way too long, and it takes a good start to think and behave differently. Prove Daddy wrong, and from that, you will thrive on that victory. Good luck!


nengaku said...

Andrew - just remember that your dad has a certain amount of investment in your status. It will be very hard for him to adjust to increased independence on your part.
And, you know, he might be right! You might work three days and then quit. SO WHAT? And then you might try again and work four days. And then maybe a month. And, who knows what the future brings? Don't stop trying. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

glittermom said...

Your dads not going to be around you need to establish a work ethic and be able to be self sufficent...Doesn't he realize that? I'm sure you can prove him wrong when you do finally find a job...It may not be a great job to start, but it is a start...

Sharyna said...

Don't listen to him!! He was negative about your car being returned and look what happened there! Sometimes Dad is just negative, that's his nature. Don't let him get to you.


Ariel said...

Hi there...I've been reading your blog for a little while. I really enjoy reading about your daily exploits and I think you have a lot going for you. Don't let you dad get you down...just press on to prove him wrong.
Good luck!

justLacey said...

What a day you had. Gorgeous pictures of Maggie and lots of applications. I hate filling them in. They are so repetitive. Why hav a resume if yu have to put in all the info any way? Don't let your dad get you down, you'll just have to watch him eat his words when he sees how well you do. You won't even have to say "I told you so". I can;t believe Ferret wen to AA.

jrlmx2 said...

I agree! Don't let him get you down. You're doing GREAT! It'll be so satisfying to prove him wrong, and I have no doubt you will. Love those Maggie pics. You could have a "Maggie's pic of the day." I'm anxious to hear Ferret's updates, too.

Rhette said...

Maybe your Dad just wants to see your reaction to his words, sheesh!
Consider this another hurdle that he's put before you & step over it :)

Good days are coming your way Andrew, I just know it!

Cheryl said...

Lots of good advice here,as always. You have a lot of people who care about you, myself included.

I'll be 'staying tuned'.

Vonn Einstein said...

Your father is probably just scared that financial independence will bring on the drinking. And as someone who has had issues like that before, can we really blame them for not trusting us? But that doesn't mean our parents don't love us to bits and that we have to prove them wrong to put them at ease. We all know you can do this and deep down your father knows it too.

AlabamaGal said...

I am positive you will prove your Dad wrong. I've been in the position where people that I expected more of, tried to put strings on me because of my disability and like you, I rebelled to my fullest extent. Having a disability does not allow others to control your purse strings and I am so proud that you are strong and will also rebel and go for what you want.

Big hug,

An Irish Friend of Bill said...

You WILL work Andrew.
I know it.


I have friends that don't believe in my own worth...I know the saddness it can cause in life..but then again, we don't do things to please others, right?
