Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Oasis of Light...

Last night I fell asleep dreaming of computers -- of RAM and Motherboards. Video cards and processors. It was a pleasant dream of one of my favorite hobbies besides model railroading. I dreamed of building computers and someday making a living putting together machines for clients.

I once got hired by our local Catholic Church to update their computers. I was never a good business man and did it for cost. My then wife was exasperated with me. "We need the money," she would moan. "And you're giving out charity." It was more about my love of the hobby rather than the dollars I could earn. I will never forget the smile on the church's secretary's face when she booted up her now fast computer. She gave me a hug. It was the best payment I could ever get.

While we are on the subject of my ex-wife, I have been doing a lot of thinking about Rachel lately. Rosa's been asking me a lot of questions about my failed marriage. She can't imagine this bachelor tied down. I miss our Boston Terrier -- an affable little fellow of a dog. I miss Rachel's quirks -- her cerebral-ness and voracity for reading. Rachel and I were strange souls and very suited for each other. If only the drinking and the schizophrenia didn't get in the way, we would still be happily married. I miss Rachel's femininity the most. Rosa is not very feminine. I long for makeup and the smell of perfume and bath oils -- the wiles of femininity beknownst only to a woman.

Treating myself to some Colby cheddar this morning. I love it at room temperature and cut a large hunk and wrapped it in paper towel before going to bed. This finds me munching on cheese and crackers, and drinking a big glass of orange juice this morning. Each bite reminds me how blessed I am as far as having plenty to eat and nourishing food at that.

It is another brutally cold morning. I donned my favorite sweatshirt and sweat pants to set out for my morning walk. I made it to the end of my driveway before turning around and running back inside. I just couldn't deal with all that cold this morning. I would make a terrible homeless person these days unlike Ferret. The sky was pitch black like pools of squid's ink in the predawn light. Street lights shone like little oasis in the dark lighting the way and beckoning me onwards. Daybreak will no doubt find me down at the shopping center so I can once again live vicariously through Ferret's experiences in homeless-hood. I hope you all have a great day.


C.A. said...

Andrew, I love your new Blog Header! It's beautiful...did you take that photo? I love "playing" with my pictures in Photo Shop!

I had to laugh when I read "brutally cold". To us up here in the heartland, your brutally cold is our Winter "balmy". The wind chill is again 3 degrees. Single digit highs for the weekend. Ferret can be thankful he does not have to endure that cold a temperature!

I so enjoy waking up to reading your blog posts before I trudge off to work.

Have a beautiful day...




I love your new header! Just lovely!! Cheese and crackers...sound really good right now!

Here's to a great day! And I hope you had a really nice night in-hee-hee!

Summer said...

I wish you were here to help me figure out what is wrong with my printer. GRRRRR. And why this thing is sooooo slow.

Lacey said...

Beautiful new look.

kristi said...

I love stuff that smells nice. My hubs is into smelling really good too. Sometimes I just bury my face in his neck and sniff! LOL!

mosiacmind said...

I love cheese! It sounds yummy! I hope you have a great day

Cheryl said...

I was thinking about RAM yesterday. I want to buy 1G for my computer, and was searching the net. Any recommendations? Does brand matter? I have a Dell Inspiron 2200. I think if I had more memory my computer would be faster, but I get confused by it all...hard drive space/memory. Can you e-mail me?

Kelly Jene said...

I love that new header... really spring like.

It's cold here too. Supposed to get down to 25 tonight. Brrrr!!

Love that last paragraph, beautifully written. Poetic almost.