Sunday, January 20, 2008

No Camping Tonight and a Missive to Ferret...

Dad has yet to arrive with my meds and it is dusk.  I don't think I am going to hike down in the dark only to stumble in the woods trying to set up my tent.  It was fun planning and preparing for my trip though. 

What I wrote Ferret tonight to give to him when I arrived.  It was a brainstorm thing.  I feel people like Ferret and I have lost those basic fundamental skills in life that allow the majority of people to keep a home. 

How to keep a home....

Getting a home is not hard.  You have to sober up.  Take your meds.  And go to the doctor.  Work falls into place after your sobriety and mental health is restored.  Taking your medications can be the hardest part as the nature of our illnesses automatically makes all medications suspect.  You also get to feeling better and think you are cured. 

Going to work everyday gets old.  You know this.  I know this.  It feels like you are working for peanuts.  You basically have to sell your soul everyday to pay rent.  There is no secret to this other than perseverance.  Every hour at work allows you to pay a bill or contribute to your rent.  Working steadily builds up a resume which can in turn lead to better jobs and opportunities.

I wrote this trying to think of something I could give Ferret to encourage him to take the enlightened path.  Sadly,  people like Ferret and I have lost the most fundamental skills and abilities that your average Joe shows a aptitude for -- the seemingly simple task of keeping a home.  The normal fears of losing a home hardly apply to a bunch of formerly homeless and homeless guys who learned the hard way that homelessness is survivable, doable, and sometimes preferable to having a home. 


mosiacmind said...

Good stuff to share with your friend...and very true. I am glad in many ways that you did not go camping tonight. I also know that you know yourself better than us blogger perhaps one of these nights soon if you still want to camp you can. I do not know how you do it with it being so cold. I am such a wimp when the weather is cold!

Tee said...

It's way too cold to camp if you don't have to.

Barb said...

You shared with Ferret some life skills that are basic, yet very neccessary. You learned these very skills, and your willingness to share them shows empathy and fortitude. I am so proud of your willingness to share what you have learned. Very admirable.

I hope that one day Ferret hears your thoughts about this.


I love the realism of your words..and you are so right, I wish there was a way I could help my brother realize this.
Sweet dreams,

Sharyna said...

I'm sorry you didn't get to go camping. Maybe it's for the best. I like what you wrote to Ferret. It made me think.


Cheryl said...

I'm glad to hear you stayed in tonight. I saw so many homeless or needy people at different intersections today and felt so badly, with our weather in the 20's and lower. I hope Ferret does well tonight. You are a good friend.

Ellie said...

Hey Andrew! Ellie, just saying hi! I haven't been online lately, and I thought I should check on. I hope you are doing well!

Kelly Jene said...

I'm so glad you wrote that. I hope you still give it to him!