Saturday, January 12, 2008

Laughable at Best...

Listening to Coast to Coast AM this morning out of Portland, Oregon as I drink my coffee and smoke cigars.  George Noory has on someone who claims to build time machines and sells them.  I couldn't help but smile at the amount of bullshit being bantered about. I can imagine George trying hard to keep a straight face as this guy talks and George has heard it all.  I know he wants to burst out laughing. 

I went for another long walk this morning.  I just haven't been able to sleep at night lately -- mainly the early mornings.  This afternoon will find me curled up in the bed with Maggie sleeping no doubt.  I did stop by my favorite convenience store this morning for some hot chocolate, and heard some disheartening news about Ferret.

"I had to quit serving your friend," my favorite clerk told me this morning.

"Ferret?" I asked.

"Yeah, that skinny black dude.  He was sloppy drunk and trying to buy more wine.  I told him to come back later when he sobered up."

No doubt Ferret walked down to the other convenience store owned by the middle eastern men.  They will sell alcohol to anyone with money as long as you can stand up.

It was freezing cold this morning after a clear and windless night -- classic radiational cooling scenario for the south.  I worried Ferret was going to catch pneumonia in this weather.  When I was homeless, I would sleep with my beer in the sleeping bag with me so it wouldn't freeze and burst.  I would lie there drinking beer after beer for hours, listening to the radio as I waited for the sun to come up.  It seems I was always waiting on something to happen then. Now days, I am more into making things happen.    


lo llaguter said...

Me too

justLacey said...

Im going to look up Coast to Coast and see if I can listen locally. Sounds like a fun show. It warms my hear to come here and see you are feeling so well. And trust me, I can use some heart warming lately...

jrlmx2 said...

Someone asked me once: are you happening to life, or is life happening to you? Andrew, YOU are "happening to life" these days! You are making things happen!

Shore said...

Oregon is a state full of nut jobs and kooks. Fact.

justLacey said...

I hate to tell you shore, but every place is... Check out Florida if you want to see some real kooks!

Whitney said...

It's nice to know that there are responsible convenience clerks out there!!

mosiacmind said...

i really liked what jrlmx2 about life. i think that i am going to try to rememmber that.hope that you are having a good saturday

An Irish Friend of Bill said...

wow. what a journey you have had from there to here. amazing isnt it?
im really impressed. thats a loooong way!!