Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Wow! 50 Days Sober...

ODAT Online Sobriety Counter
One Day at a Time

I can't believe it.  I really can't, and it is hard to believe it is going on two months sober.  I won't say I haven't struggled.  I have.  My natural inclination is to be drunk.  I think it is in my genes.  My mother's side of the family all struggled with mental illness and addictions.  They were always doing crazy things and still are. 

One gift I have found from my sobriety is my ability to write and tell a tale.  I just couldn't write well when I was drinking.  You tend to embellish when you've had a few beers making for wildly fantastical tales.  My tales of George and the gang were disjointed and haphazard.  I think I am better able to capture the nuances of my interactions with the gang these days. 

Thank you for reading along and supporting me through this.  You don't know what a comment of, "50 days! That's great," means to me.  Lets hope I will have many more days to come in the months ahead.  


Tee said...

This is a great milestone! 50 DAYS! Have you heard anything about your car?

Ally0005 said...

Congratulations!!!!!!!! I have never had to deal with something like that, I have my own other issues to deal with but I know it helps when you have friends supporting you.

barefoot 303 said...

I don't comment much, but i feel compelled to congratulate you. I think that 50 days is an amazing feat and I am really excited for you. Congratulations. You deserve it...
Go get your chip.

justLacey said...

Congratulations! I am happy that you are doing so well. Don't feel because you are pre-disposed to something by genetics that you must fall prey. I have 3 siblings all addicts of some kind and my dad was a functoning alcoholic my whole life. Everyone in my family smoked also. When I was in my teens and early 20's I did both, but by the time I was 23 I no longer saw any pusrpose in it and also realized how harmful it could be. You are a little older, but sometimes it takes us a little longer than others to see the light. Keep doing as you are, it's working.

Mike said...

I'm proud of you, Andrew. Congratulations!

Judy said...

I am impressed! You are strong!

Josie Two Shoes said...

Way to go Andrew, I knew you could and I know you can! We can achieve anything we want bad enough. I am VERY proud of you!!!

John Noble said...

Way to go on 50 days!! Congratulations!

ac said...

Congo rats! for reaching 50 days sober. ODAAT!

Lynette said...

Good on you for reaching this milestone. We all can tell the difference.

Kelly Jene said...

Congratulations! I am SO proud of you! What a great accomplishment. Keep it up my friend!

Amy Palko said...

This is such an achievement, Andrew! Congratulations. I, along with your many other readers, am extremely proud of you and your amazing progress. Well done!
Lives Less Ordinary

J said...

Wow! That is a milestone to be very proud of!
I am on Day 5 of being marijuana-free..I smoked weed every single day for 6-7 years and 5 days seems like an eternity for me. I can't wait until I hit 50 days like you!
You are my inspiration.. :)

CJM-R said...


That is just so wonderful.50 Days... now that is living!!

Bless you,

Chandira said...

:-) That's awesome!!

Jbeeky said...

I am thrilled and proud of you!

Annabel said...

Congratulations, Andrew. I can't tell you how proud I am of you. You are a very different (and better) person sober and when you take your meds. Keep up the good work.

Golden To Silver Val said...

Congratulations Andrew! Keep going......don't look back.

Cheryl said...

I glance at your meter every day. I think of you every day. You should be so proud of yourself. I've known you for a very long time, and 50 days sober is such a grand accomplishment.


jrlmx2 said...

50 days, THAT'S GREAT!!!

Sorry I haven't been around as much as I'd like. Congratulations on your milestone. I'm really proud of ya, too!

simonsays said...

Andrew, that is just so AWESOME!!!!

eSadElBlOg said...

wonderful Andrew, I've been reading your blog for a couple of years now and I am very glad every day I check your counter. Aldo I prefer reading you these days. Congratulations

Sakshi said...

many many congratulations!
the only way to quit something is to do it one day at a time..!
may god bless you, and may you never fall back to alcoholism!