Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Dial that Number...

The to-do list on my work computer this afternoon was overwhelming.   I had so many phone calls to make over orders.  I finally hunkered down and made the calls.  No small feat for me if you've read a long time and are aware of my phone phobias.  It feels like this big lump in my chest is building and is going to explode.  I get that cornered animal feeling. 

"When is your Dad coming back?" one of the girls just asked me standing in my office door.

"Monday," I replied with a smile, and it couldn't be sooner.  

I just feel more comfortable with Dad at work.   I sometimes feel that the other employees don't know what to do with me when Dad is gone.  I just want to be treated like any other employee -- without the gloves.

*break for pause*

I just walked out to the back of the pharmacy to smoke.  Would you believe me in that we once sold and delivered cigarettes?  I had to deliver them all the time in high school.  The world has changed so much in twenty years.


simonsays said...

Great post Andrew. Once again, I am just smiling, being proud of you. :)

Cheryl said...

I remember when I worked for Hair Cuttery twenty-something years ago and we had branded ash trays on our stations and smoked while doing our clients. Wow. Times have changed.

Does it seem like you've been working a long time? You should be so proud of yourself for how well you're doing. I'm proud of you!

Kelly Jene said...

Good for you! You're really doing great with the job.

I remember my mom would write a note and I would go to the corner store and buy her cigarettes when I was a kid. Nowadays she'd get in big trouble for that!

Summer said...

You made me laugh when you twittered about dinner and listed your dessert first. Or was that your main course? Lemon custard. YUM!

CJM-R said...

You are doing so well. Good for you. I can see why it is hard when your dad is away, but it is good that you go in anyway.

I remember waking up at night because my dad was coughing so much from smoking. It was so scary. Proud he stopped years and years ago.

mago said...

Constant change.

2sunset said...

Keep it up, beloved son, you are soaring!
I will ask you a question that I asked myself in my last post:

"What is better now?"


geelizzie said...

I hear you on the phone call thing, but it'll get easier after a while. I hated making phone calls until I had a dispatching job that required me to be on the radio and phone all day long-got over that fear of phoning pretty quickly but I still don't much care for talking on the phone.

Leann said...

I'm not sure I have a phone phobia per se, but definetly don't enjoy it much. Good for you Andrew!!

forsythia said...

When I was a kid (around WW II) my favorite picture book was given to me by my uncle, who was an Ear, Nose, Throat doctor. It had pictures of doctors and nurses enjoying cigarettes. Either Camel or Lucky Strike had given him the book for this waiting room. What a collector's item it would be today.

Jessica said...

I was reading your comment. Hard to imagine now...a time where a hair stylist smoked while doing hair. lol :)