Monday, April 14, 2008

The Walking Man...

My legs are sore I have paced the floor so much today.  I pace the floor when I don't feel well meaning that old master schizophrenia is knocking on my door.  It is just that my injection is not lasting the full two weeks.  It runs out around three days till my next one.  This was why my doctor prescribed extra Risperidone to take.

I did manage to make it in to work.  I was very honest and told my father's co-pharmacist that I was feeling ill.  She was kind and wished she could have given me some medication.  Dad had already filled the prescription and taken it home -- locked, where I couldn't get it.

Dad will be here soon and I can take my medications and rest.  I am so glad to have them home.  I am truly helpless without them.  I have a quarter to my name.  I am sure we will have a talk about letting me have money again.  Tonight is supposed to be the night so that is integral to our meeting.  I am frankly scared by it -- the premise that I may have money again.   


Summer said...

You can do it Sweets. Don't be scared. I have a lot of faith in you.

BPD in OKC said...

I agree with summer. You shouldn't be scared. You can handle it.

Jessica said...

You WILL be ok. :) Just remember that!

CJM-R said...

Change is always hard and scary, even when it is good.

Good luck.


Leann said...

I know you'll do fine Andrew. I too have faith in you.

If the shot wears off three days before the next one is due, is there a specific reason it can't be moved back?

linda said...

hello andrew...I am new at this blogging stuff but I too suffer from mental illness and have chosen my space to try and illuminate the creativity behind mental illness, much like you are doing here with yours...I am a painter, love color and there aren't so many words but the meaning is the same....I count too!

linda over at vulture peak muse

SOUL: said...

yo my brotha--
did you manage to get the meds from your dad? i hope so.
also hope you got some good sleep.
i do know how the sleep merry go round is-- and it is not fun. maybe that's what the deal is with me lately. geesh. sleep cycle is all kindsa messed up.

anyhow-- i'm surprised how much you and i have in common sometimes. even though a lot has changed for me in my life-- and a lot of yours is still where i used to be... i haven't forgotten the way it feels to wear your shoes. ya know what i mean???

i think many many of your blog friends do relate to you on certain levels-- but really i am surprised at just how many levels we either share-- or have shared at one time. ya know.

i hope you can see through me-- that this too will pass.

hugs to you my friend--
happy tuesday--

justLacey said...

How about talking to your dad about credit at his store. Only so much a week and that way you can get things you need and still not have the freedom you fear just yet. Start small. Also, didn't he used to pay at the bar-b-que place for you to be able to eat? Maybe some Mc Donalds gift certificates too. That way you can treat yourself when you want. Not forever mind you, just until your meds are straightened out. I am so sorry these last few days have been difficult. Why didn't your dad give Charlie the Risperidone to give you? Did he just forget?

C.A. said...

I just wanted you to know I'm thinking of you, Andrew. I know that aggitated feeling of which you speak.

I hope this new day finds you more at peace and feeling well.


Cindi Ann

Tee said...

Andrew, at least you recognize the problem--your shot is about three days short. Just keep you doctor informed and he will work with you. As for the money, the credit at your dad's store sounds like a great idea and some gift certificates for eating places around town would work well, or maybe some in Columbus or LaGrange when you can get over to the "big" towns. :-) They have Red Lobster, Chick-fil-A, maybe Chilli's, or Outback. This would be real treats for you and help you ease back into having money.

mosiacmind said... can I relate to so much of what you write. I hope that you are having a good Tuesday. I thought of you today when I had to meet with a couple of people who are going to help me out at my place and like Soul I often do much better at writing thatn I do talking. I am interested it knowing when you feel up to it how your day is going friend.

Lil Miss Sunshine said...

Everytime I read your blog I feel that there is a movie going on...

Keep going on!