Sunday, April 20, 2008

Don't Call Audubon...

"Hey!  I was just minding my own business when this Furball came outta nowhere!"

Maggie runs over to the fence.  Her prey?  A grouping of birds!  They fly skywards as she arrives. 

"Yeap!  I smell mockingbird.  Didn't they know this was my yard?  How dare they!"
Maggie slinking back towards me after her carnivorous outburst.  She knows where the real food is!  I give her a pup-eroni treat.


villain820 said...

what a cutie! she is such the hunter ;-)

Marsha said...

I wish you'd get help for your addiction to benedryl. I still can't believe your father gives them to you.

He's not helping you at all.

Kelly Jene said...

How adorable. I always love a good Maggie pic. Reminiscent of your writing days. Big ol hugs!

justLacey said...

Maggie would fit right in here. My dogs love bird hunting as well. We have sandhill cranes, which are about 3 feet tall. They don't come in our yard, but if one is near the fence my boxer goes crazy. I think he would have his work cut out for him if he ever got near one.