Tuesday, April 29, 2008

More Amaryllis...

My growing dandelion garden. (Yes, I need to mow badly.)


mosiacmind said...

very prettyu pinkish red.it reminds me kind of a shirt that is similar to that color that my mom got for me.


yellow is my favorite color. I'd pick those dandies and tie them into a head wreath of sorts..a sort of crown. :)

The Little Woman and Hubby said...

When I was a kid we thought those dandies were the greates thing. We made necklices out of them. So glad you have been talking to Rosa. You two have been good friends to each other.

Your Dad does love you and it's that love that probably saved your life.

Love the photos and videos of Maggie. Your twitter cracked me up, "Honey, I'll be home soon, love you." LOL!!!!!!!!

Forward at Forty said...

Andrew - you inspired me to start my own blog - I'm in kindergarten with it , but I did it - after reading yours for a year now - it seemed time. ...fowardatforty.blogspot.com - I think it'll be a venue for venting for me for sure!

justLacey said...

You are lucky that sleep meanss no anxiety attacks for you. When I started having them in my 20's they would wake me out of a sound sleep. Then they began to happen all the time. Once I found out what it was, I began to be able to gradually talk myself out of them. Focusing on something else usually helps even thought it's hard at first. I hope you can do the same. Cut the caffeine if you are having any, just until they pass and aren't so regular. I hope this helps you. I found it worked better than any medication the dr ever gave me. Once you learn you can get through it on your own, you will have less of them.

Portia said...

Fabulous red blossom! And that dandelion garden looks familiar...I think we have something similar;p