Thursday, April 24, 2008

The Dog Days...

Maggie seems depressed today.  She has laid on the couch like this for hours.  I am sure dogs have good days and bad just like we do.  I am fixing to go to the grocery store with Mom and will get her lots of treats.  We'll see if we can't perk her up some.


amelia said...

Dogs can get depressed! Maybe she'd like to go out for a walk? Even if she's not good on the leash, she's small enough that you could control her and she'd probably get better if you gve her the chance.

impromptublogger said...

Awww poor little doggie! She may be depressed or like my dog this week ate something in the yard and has a bit of an upset tummy.

I hope she perks up soon!

Leann said...

Hi Andrew. Had to catch up on the blogs I missed while with mom. I love (as always) the Maggie posts. Dogs can get depressed and I think sometimes they just don't feel well, especially if they've had too much food they should not.

Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. I love hearing from you!

villain820 said...

Yup, pooches get depressed too. I am sure she will perk back up when the treats get home ;-)

My pooch is under the weather so I can relate.

take care.

M said...

hello? did my comment print or did it dissappear into blogger land?

M said...

yep, it is gone...anyway. i hope Maggie feels happy and peppy and bursting with love soon!

Jessica said...

Give Maggie a hug for me! I hope she is feeling better tonight.

anonymous said...

Dogs don't get depressed. You are anthropomorphising. I'd take her to the vet, a change in your pet's behavior usually indicates a physical ailment. I know you love that little dog and I'd hate to see something happen to her because you listened to well-meaning idiots that claim she's depressed.


even her tail seems sad. :(