Friday, April 04, 2008

Storms of the Mind...

I stayed up till 4 AM with Joyce this morning.  I walked out to make sure my car was locked at midnight last night and could hear glass breaking loudly coming from Joyce's house.   Suddenly, Joyce's side door sprung open with her yelling, "Get the fuck out.  Get out of my head and out of my house!"  We finally got her sister to come and stay with her.  I am hoping the sister took her to the hospital this morning. 

Found out Maggie's favorite treat so far.  Mom bought a big bag of fried pork rinds and gave a few to Maggie.  It was like giving a crack addict crack.  Mom left and bought four more bags for me to keep in my cabinets.  I am not sure how healthy that is for a dog, but we will find out. 

"What do you want for supper?" Helen asked me a moment ago. 

"Hamburger steak, baked potato, and salad," I replied.

Helen smiled as she took my car to go buy groceries.  I can't wait until I taste her hamburger steak.  I told Helen to pick up a big bottle of A-1 steak sauce.


Ryan Davies said...

I miss your weather blog. But then again I only miss it because of that little "yaaay" you ended one of your videos with. I must have replayed that ten times.

mosiacmind said...

Joyce is blessed to have you living nezt are a good friend. I was glad that you took care of yourself by asking for help from her sister. Gracie would love pork rinds I think. I go to the store called Dollar Tree lots and they started having some really good treats for dogs and chew bones so I try to get them there since they are just $1.00 each. I hope that you enjoy your supper tonight...sounds really yummy to me. Are you going to post a picture of you with your new glases? I hope that work went well today...and that you have a great weekend.

Tee said...

My heart goes out to Joyce. I wish they could get her meds balanced so she could have some peace. Oh boy, Helen is cooking!!!!!! Post a photo of that meal.

Jenn said...

Yeah, I's like to see a photo, I have no idea what hamburger steak is!

impromptublogger said...

Awww, poor Joyce. That poor woman has had such a rough go of it through no fault of her own.

As for Maggie, your vet would have a heart attack if he/she knew you were feeding her pork rinds! That should be a VERY occasional treat.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Tory said...

I would have to agree with Impromptublogger regarding the pork rinds for Maggie. They aren't good for her, or us for that matter. Pork rinds aren't something that's very popular here, but I must admit, when I saw them I thought they looked really gross. Are they really 'fried pork skin?' EEWWW! lol
Have a great weekend, Andrew.
Take care

luvulongtime said...

You can't feed your dog pork. It's supposed to be bad for them. Like chocolate.

Leann said...

Hey Andrew, that dinner sounds yummy...I'm salivating from

I agree that pork rinds are probably not the healthiest thing to give Maggie and I'd keep it to a minimum.

I'd love to see a pic of you with the new glasses......

justLacey said...

Oh poor Joyce. I wish someone could get her some medication that relieves her of all of this turmoil. How said to have to go through that everyday.
Our dogs like pork rinds too. The don't get a lot though as Panda has a sensitive stomach and I will pay for it if it doesn't agree with him for days. Reese eats Pine cones and rocks so that tells you how strong her digestive system is, lol. That hamburger steak sure sounds good.

Summer said...

I'd love to know what Helen seasons her hamburger steak with.

Barb said...

okay, perhaps pork rinds arent good for the Magster, but either is the gazillion other discusting things that pets eat. Loosen up about what is good for a dog, and love her, that is all she really wants...


clarekin said...

Hi Andrew
I am weighing in on the pork rind issues with something from the experts. According to vets dogs can eat pork as long as it is fully cooked--which means that pork rinds should be fine. The only way that pork is bad for dogs is if they eat it raw or undercooked because it can give them an intestinal worm. You can check it out yourself here
Have a great Saturday!

Deacon Cindy said...

Boy I don't know who Helen is, but you sure are blessed to have her in your life!


a1 sauce...yum! with horseradish too!

But Joyce I am saddened for,..I wish she could stay well for herown self..she sounds like a delightful woman. :(

Sorry for her..but she's lucky to have you. sorry to repeat what everyone else is saying. :)


justLacey said...

Actually dogs should eat raw meat, it's better for them. A raw food diet is similar to what they eat in the wild. Most pork doesn't contain worms anymore. Panda's breeder feeds her dogs raw food and they are in great health and don't smell or shed like they did when they were eating kibble. I doubt she feeds them pork. I think mostly chiekn, turkey and internal organs with some other things. Gross sounding I know. I prefer the pork rinds myself.