Saturday, April 19, 2008


"That dawg is nothin' but a big furball!" Helen told me yesterday.  "Your couch is covered in dog hair!"  I smiled and then went and got out my vacuum cleaner to spare Helen from having to clean that.  Yes, I was cleaning for the house cleaner.

We slept all night, but Maggie has decided that today is a day of rest.  This was her a few minutes ago on the couch shedding again.  She poked her head up long enough to see what I was doing.

She let out a big sigh after I took this last photo and went back to sleep.  "I wish I could sleep all day," I thought as I downloaded the photos to my computer.  I won't be able to sleep again until midnight tonight.  Isn't she just adorable?   I love my furkid. 


alias Molly Brown said...

Maggie and her shedding.... as with good friends and special canine companions, we overlook certain things and love them anyway.

mosiacmind said...

Very cute pictures of Maggie. Gracie is spending lots of today sleeping also. I am thinking of a nap too even though I should get some things done.

Golden To Silver Val said...

Brush, brush, brush the dog, especially this time of year. She's a sweetie but needs to be brushed daily. So glad to see you're doing so well....really well. Its something to be IMMENSELY proud of. Keep it up!!
Wish I could borrow Helen for a couple weeks. LOL

Tee said...

"Yes, I was cleaning for the house cleaner." That absolutely cracked me up. LOL!!!!!! Sounds like something I would do. :-)