Wednesday, February 08, 2017

Coordinates Set -- Thrusters On Full...

Well, I just managed to dodge the proverbial bullet -- the bane of all the banes of my existence. My father called me and woke me up this afternoon. I was in the middle of a very nice catnap with the Magster curled up beside me on the computer room bed. Maggie and I pretty much love such days to rest and recuperate.

"I am going out to eat with your aunt and uncle in a few moments," my father told me. "They very coercively asked for you to come with us."

"I haven't even got around to getting a shower today," I told my father protesting.

I was in full panic mode by then -- my heart pounding in my chest.

"Tell them I am sick and that I have projectile diarrhea."

Dad got to laughing.

The first time I saw my aunt and uncle for over ten long years was at my dear mother's funeral. I guess we do have a lot to catch up on.

"Well, I am going to head your way," my father said. "Do you want to take your medications early?"

"Yes, please," I replied. "That would be very nice!"

"I will be over at your house in about fifteen minutes."

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