Monday, February 20, 2017

A Ten Minute Thrill Ride in Jermaine's Cart...

I was bending over to put four bags of frosted flakes in my cart when I heard a familiar mechanical whir and then that completely unmistakable voice.

"Where does Alec shop?" Jermaine asked as I put the voluminous bags of frosted flakes in my cart.

I noticed he had two honeydew melons and some grapes in his cart on his Huv-a-round. He was eating the grapes as he shopped.

"His wife shops at Publix in Auburn I believe," I told Jermaine. "I doubt my brother does the shopping, though."

I was on a mission tonight to get out of there as fast as I could. I was just not in the mood for grocery shopping tonight. Dad said we were "bumfuzzled" tonight. He had trouble checking out at one of the self serve lanes.

"Love ya man! But I've got to run," I told Jermaine treading softly.

Jermaine told me to step over so he could give a man hug.

I hope I didn't hurt his feelings. It took me ten minutes for me to do my shopping and the total was $74.94. I told my father it was inflation and he let out a hearty laugh. I've had some very expensive grocery store visits lately.

"Let's have a look at what your buying tonight," my father said he then told me got some good stuff for not shopping very long. The two pies were $16 dollars and are what cost me so much.

1 comment:

glittermom said...

Didn't your mother do your grocery shopping at one time? its good your able to do your own shopping...