Friday, February 03, 2017

Hiding Out...

There was a ball of fur curled up on the computer room bed a minute ago. I looked at the thermostat and it read 70° degrees. No wonder! It was cold in here. I turned the thermostat up to 75° degrees and it feels downright toasty in here now. I think the furball is about to stir.

Your Son Beckons...

We're Not Receiving Calls Today...

My call was simple enough -- I wanted to know if my father put my cigarillos and Cokes out on the back porch as has been his custom this week. I hated to drive all the way over there and they were still inside. I would be so disappointed. I've got to write down the new alarm code.

Firstly, I called the home phone. The answering service picked up the call and it was my mother talking saying she couldn't answer the phone at the moment and to leave a message. It was like hearing a ghost speak from the past. Hearing her voice sent chills down my spine.

I then called my father's cell phone and got dumped into voicemail after a few rings. I am sure my father was thinking that I wanted my medications early today and was avoiding me.

Well, I threw caution to the wind and drove on over to my parent's house. I noticed all their cars were there. The X5 and mom's Civic were in the garage. Dad's CR-V was parked in the driveway.  Dad's Ford truck was parked at Charlie's house. Thankfully, my drinks and smokes were sitting in the chair on the back porch. I didn't tempt fate and try to knock. I gathered my bag of goodies and drove home.


Rita said...

I have heard of people saving messages from answering machines from now deceased loved ones. I would imagine that it could be hard to hear.

glittermom said...

But would be nice to know you can hear their voice again..

Anonymous said...

After Fred died, our daughter had a car break down after midnight in another state. When my phone rang, it was Fred's voice saying, "Honey...Honey..." It shocked the poop out of me!! I do NOT know how it got to be her ringtone! It was so weird.....