Friday, February 24, 2017

The Wild Bunch Was Over...

"What's Charlie doing here?" I asked Maggie softly and and very coyly.

She was previously very soundly asleep on the couch.

Maggie jumped up into the window and went immediately nuts due to his arrival. Maggie was in 0 mph to 60 mph mode. Guess who followed behind Charlie? We had my father and Horsefly. We had the whole crew tonight. Maggie was in ecstasy.

Horsefly immediately went to pacing around the house which intrigues Maggie greatly. Maggie used to be very scared of Horsefly as he talks very loudly in what seems as gibberish until he grew on her. Maggie has welcomed him into our pack. Maggie will follow him has he walks and Horsefly also kept flushing the toilet.

"He will wear out the commode at home if we're not careful," Charlie told me.

"They always taught us at summer camp if it is yellow, please be mellow. If it is brown, then flush it down." I told that to Charlie with a big grin on my face.

Charlie spent his whole time here sweeping my floors and gathering up dust bunnies. My father and I took care of the medication ritual and there was quite a bit of banter on our parts.

"Have you done Maggie's ritual?" my father asked Charlie from the den and he said yes.

It really was good seeing the whole crew tonight. A man can't live on silence and sleeping dogs alone.


Anonymous said...

What ever happened to George? Did he ever get out of jail/prison? I really miss Miss Florene, Clara, and who were those guys at the Piggly Wiggly? I know Miss Florene is gone but what about the others? Do you remember Liz? She blogged like you do. Her little dog was Sadie? I am going thru a period where I am just missing the past....

amelia said...

Sharyn Bellah, I miss the past every day and wish I didn't. I have no idea how to let go of this! Any suggestions you can give me?

Anonymous said...

Oh Amelia! I have "known" Andrew for about 10+ years. Way before Facebook. It was a much happier time on the web, I think. And not just Andrew's highs and lows, there were SO many blogs! I did prefer the blog to Facebook! I never did find "Liz" and Sadie. Seems she just stopped blogging one day and never came back. But why? Andrew did the same thing one time and a group was actually formed! Some one had a welfare check done on him at home. That's how wonderful internet land was. And now, what happened to TheHomeLessGuy? I am sad at all the losses! (I really miss that Liz for some reason!)

So Amelia, were you speaking about Andrew's blog or your own life?