Sunday, February 05, 2017

Visit Finis...

"Say kitty to Maggie," my father said to me as we all sat in my den.

The kids were standing next to my sitting sister and Maggie was in the middle of the den floor taking care of some errant cooties oblivious to what was about to happen.

"Here kitty, kitty, kitty!" I said loudly. "Where's that kitty?!"

Maggie got to loudly barking her fool head off and hurriedly got on the back of the couch to look out the window. My sister, the kids, and dad loved it. My sister then had to do it and Maggie repeated the process. I hate to cry wolf, but it is endearing.

"I can tell Maggie doesn't care for kitties," my sister said laughing.

Luckily, and I say luckily, dad remembered to bring my medications as I was teetering on the edge of insanity. (a little bit of hyperbole) I did feel uncomfortable mentally as it had been 24 hours since my last dose..

So now, I have this big plate of supper to eat. We'll save it for later. I want two roast beef sandwiches before bed.

"Are you and Charlie doing Sunday night fried chicken?" I asked my father catching him off guard.

I didn't mean to burden him. It was just a casual question.

"I will call you if we do," dad said. "You know Horsefly will have to get his chicken tenders. Charlie might handle tonight."

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