Saturday, February 11, 2017

Shades of Martha Leah...

Are embodied in me...

"Where are you?" I asked my father worriedly over the phone. "I was expecting you many hours ago."

I was starting to anxiously get ants in my pants as dad's mom would say when we would wiggle on the pew during church. I finally got up the gumption to call him (thank you withdrawal), even though he says my late mother and I try to be nosy and want to know his whereabouts and business. Hell, I was just hungry and it is close to grocery day. Hunger is a pretty good motivator when your refrigerator is barren of food and water is the only thing to drink in this house.

At that point, mom would be driving my father absolutely ape shit crazy about driving to my house and giving me my medications.

"Are you going to make him wait all night?" my Chief Advocate General would say waking my father from his boozy slumber.

Dad finally showed up around 9:30 PM telling me numerous times profusely, "I'm sorry! I fell asleep on the couch watching television,"

To my father's credit, he brought some wonderful food and lots of it. I will have to give you his recipe for some of the best rice I have ever eaten and the recipe is simple. It certainly is not low calorie let me warn you.The recipe calls for a whole stick of melted butter and beef bouillion so beware.

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