Sunday, February 25, 2018

A Conjunction of Trouble...

I just tried to call Charlie, but I bet he left his phone at home as he is prone to do. In about 30 minutes, a big line of wicked storms will be moving through. I wanted to warn Charlie who is out and getting all our breakfasts. Charlie is completely oblivious and clueless as far as the weather is concerned. It is almost 9:30 so hopefully Charlie will be along soon before the shit hits the fan. He usually comes between 9:15 and 10:15.

Update: Too Late, at 10:00 AM it is loudly thundering and pouring rain now. Fare thee well Charlie.

Update 2: "You know me," Charlie said. "I don't keep up with the weather. Sorry I am running so late this morning."

Charlie didn't arrive until almost 10:30 this Sunday. Charlie had run across my yard in a pouring rain and handed me three sausage biscuits and an extra large Coke. What little hair he has was flailing wildly in the brisk wind and the rain which caused me to chuckle loudly.

"I got your message," Charlie said trying to straighten his hair some. "But it was too late."

Maggie was just going bonkers that Charlie stepped inside for a minute.

"Hey Maggie Lou," Charlie said in baby talk. "I love you, too!"

Charlie then left my house headed to my father's house to give him his sausage biscuit and a senior coffee. Before he arrives at my house, he delivers biscuits to his sister's house, Shelby, who lives just a block away from me.

1 comment:

glittermom said...

Knowing Charlie I don’t think much would stop him.