Wednesday, February 28, 2018

A Meandering Morning...

I watched the most fascinating video on YouTube this morning. It was a shuttle launch from the astronaut's point of view. You got to experience the launch in the cockpit of the shuttle. It has got to be so exhilarating for the crew.

Groceries Ho!

Maggie and I very forlornly ate the very last of my bacon and eggs this morning. We were both starving after a fitful and restful night's sleep. It is grocery time indeed. I called Papa and told him to call me when he is ready to go grocery shopping this afternoon. He doesn't feel like he will get "caught" at the Piggly Wiggly which is beneficial for me.

"You can bring my Cokes and smokes before we shop," I told my father, hopefully saving him a trip to my house.

I just about can't take going grocery shopping at 9 PM at night. Hell, Maggie and I have been going to bed around 8 to 9 PM these days.

It was almost ten in the morning and he was just waking. I have been up since before sunup. He sounded like the walking dead.


amelia said...

That video is quite amazing yet less eventful than I would have imagined!

glittermom said...

When’s your dad retiring ? Is he still talking of moving to the River house. I would love to see a picture of that house.