Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Breakfast Redux...

"What are you doing?" I asked Charlie as he was getting out of his car very early this morning. "Aren't you supposed to be driving to work?"

"I took a couple days off," Charlie said. "I am moving into my new house today. I brought you and Maggie some breakfast."

In a sack were some Burger King bacon, egg and cheese croissants and Charlie also brought me a large orange juice from McDonald's.

"Do you need any help moving?" I then asked him to return his kindness.

"I hired some men to do the heavy lifting," Charlie said. "I am so excited. We should be sleeping in our bed in our new home tonight."

Charlie is always on the go. Charlie left about as soon as he had gotten here. He certainly doesn't dawdle. Maggie loved the croissant. It was a very nice change from our normal fare of McDonald's biscuits. I thought it was pretty darn good myself.

I studied my orange juice. Should I drink it or should I not? It always gives me heartburn these days and I was fresh out of Tums. I wanted it so badly, though. I wanted that tart sweetness to swirl in my mouth and tantalize my taste buds.

1 comment:

glittermom said...

Jimmy dean makes a frozen croissant sausage egg Cheese one. 90 seconds to heat in microwave. Pretty good for a quick breakfast.