Sunday, February 04, 2018

Eyelids Like Lead...

Miracles do happen! After Charlie left yesterday evening, I went and laid down on the bed with my clothes still on. I was just going to take a quick power nap. I was so sleepy and it was a wonderful feeling. When you have insomnia, you never feel sleepy. You just feel doggone tired all the time. Maggie hopped up onto the bed and she was asleep within ten minutes. Myself on the bed is sheer bliss for my Maggie. Her rhythmic breathing was a wonderful serenade and I was soon fast asleep as well. I woke up this morning at 4 AM feeling my oats. I had slept for eleven wonderful hours. The only thing that kept me from sleeping longer is that the house had grown very cold and I woke up shivering. I got up to turn up the heat and then got captivated by my computer and my music.

Charlie will be along with sausage biscuits and that wonderful Coke in a little while. He usually shows up between 9 AM and 10 AM. It is pouring rain here this morning so the weather might make him a little later.


Sharyn said...

I, too, have sleep issues! Some nights I can't sleep at all, others, out like a light. Can't explain it. But I do know: if I get up to potty or whatever and my mind clicks in, I'm up. Sometimes it's the computer. Sometimes it's just the cat. But I will start thinking and then, I can't go back to sleep.

Sharyn said...

I was reading your frequently asked questions and my son (in law) is going thru a similar divorce. In May, he will strap his guitar to his back, hop on his bike and ride away never to be seen again. But truth is, my daughter treats me like crap, when she "treats" me at all! The son makes an effort, especially where the grand daughters are concerned.

Street Writer. said...

Years ago I worked nights in an all night coffee shop. I was tired all the time and never seemed to get caught up on my sleep.