Monday, February 12, 2018

A Slight Interrogation...

"So, what's this about you not drinking Cokes anymore?" my father asked as I sat in the recliner next to him this afternoon.

"I can still have a Coke every now and then," I told him. "I just can't have six at one time. I can't seem to moderate my consumption. I drink Diet Cokes like I used to drink beer."

"I will still get my two sugary sodas at grocery time as a treat," I added as well.

"Well, at least you are being honest and talking about it," my father replied as he handed me my pack of cigarettes for the day.

"Would you truly drink all six at once?" he then asked with a wince.

"All six, back to back, like a man possessed."

"Well, no wonder you were feeling sick!" dad exclaimed with a hearty chuckle. "I drink my one Diet Coke in the morning with breakfast and I might have one more in the afternoon watching television."


glittermom said...

Are you still drinking all those gallons of milk you would buy with your groceries.

Sharyn said...

Hey glittermom, remember when his freezer was filled with cigarettes! LOL Boy people, have I had A DAY!! A simple doctor's visit was turned on it's ear by a flu epidemic. I, btw, am negative. I feel like nailing a symbol over my front door!! LOL

Kran's Crackers said...

I definitely think soda is addictive. I've tried to cut down on the amount of soda I drink, buying things like lemonade or fruit juices. It's difficult because I really like the taste, but I know soda isn't good for us!
- Sharon -