Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Whoopee! Four For A Dollar...

The Pig had potted meat on sale tonight four for a $1. I quickly put 8 cans in my cart and then reminded myself to get some cracker's to eat them with. We settled on Saltines tonight. Maggie just loves the stuff and so do I. I will admit that it is an acquired taste, though.

My grandmother always called potted meat fishin' food as it was easy to put the rather small cans and some saltines in your tackle box. Then you would have a snack while you are fishing.

I was then worried the Pig wouldn't have my big value-sized box of unfrosted strawberry Poptarts. I haven't bought them since I last shopped at Kroger. Dad and I finally found them and I put a box in my cart. They are heavenly warmed in the microwave for a few seconds and then consumed with a cold glass of whole milk.

I am actually going to cook dinner this week. I got some ground beef and hamburger buns. Maggie and I are going to have hamburgers and steak fries in a day or so.

They also had 6-packs of Tastykake pecan pinwheels for sale at .99 cents. I grabbed four packs of those as well. My sweet tooth was on cruise control this afternoon.

"Don't forget your two journal writing sodas," my father told me as we headed to check out.

I thanked him and grabbed two Mountain Dews out of the cooler. I try to limit my sugary sodas to two bottles a week. Moderation is not quite my middle name, but I try.

"How are you two gentlemen doing tonight?" Mrs. Camille glowingly asked us as she walked out of the manager's office.

Dad and I both smiled and told her we are doing okay. She then began to help me bag my groceries and get them back into my cart. It was very good to see her.


Sharyn said...

Banana Twinkies prevail here! Lilly likes them. She is almost a year old and babies like Bananas, right? Aren't bananas good for them? And that's the best we old folk can do! I am not a Spam or Potted Meat fan. I think it's because my mother was always forcing on me. And she was NOT a good cook! LOL

glittermom said...

Did you ever eat Spam? Its like those mystery meats.

glittermom said...

Not bad if you slice it and fry it.

amelia said...

I'd really like to know how you stay as slim as you do with all the stuff you eat!