Friday, July 06, 2018

Lamenting Breakfast…

biscuitI am struggling with weight gain right now. It is all going to my waist. I am getting what we commonly call a beer belly around here and I don’t even drink beer these days. I said I felt like a beached whale after a big meal the other day (Charlie’s large pizza) and it is true for most of the time now. It came on so suddenly as if my metabolism slowed down. I think a lot of it has to do with me getting long in the tooth or older as they say. I’m no spring chicken anymore at 46. Some of you have been reading me since my early thirties. I could drink and eat all I wanted to back then and still stay slim.

The first thing I cut out was breakfast earlier in the week. All that bacon, cheese and butter had to be piling on the calories. Poor Maggie is laying on the kitchen floor ready for me to get breakfast started as I type this.

One thing about dieting is you feel hungry all the time. I am weak when it comes to will power regarding food. I am going to Kroger today to buy some rabbit food like raw broccoli, carrots and celery to munch on hopefully to chase those hunger pains away. We’re going to give it the good college try. I will just have to resist the ranch or blue cheese dressing to dip it in. Oh, that celery would certainly be good with some Mrs. Grissom’s pimento cheese spread. There I go sabotaging myself again.

How about this outrageous breakfast? It’s not far from what I was eating every morning. That must be 3000 calories. It looks like a big breakfast from Hardee’s as those are outrageous as well.

big biscuit breakfast


Summer said...

You can still eat breakfast and lose weight. Just the eggs and bacon would be ok. Don't starve yourself with rabbit food, just make some simple changes. Like cutting out as many carbs as you can. The keto and paleo ways of eating are low or no carbs and work well.

Sharyn said...

"Big" Breakfast can still be celebrated once a week, as a treat. You still should choke down something close to the 4 major food groups in the morning. And yes, chocolate cake does count! LOL But now that you are working again, you will start to burn calories again.

This brings me to Maggie. She is old. She doesn't walk much. Much like our Jezzy, you have to watch that bacon!!