Monday, July 09, 2018

Just Rolling with the Punches…

I am tired after cleaning all day so this will be a short post. I still have to buy groceries tonight and how I am going to manage that I do not know. I am just so hot and exhausted. I might write again about my grocery gathering experiences tonight depending on how things go.

Maggie gladly greeted me when I got home. She’s not used to me being gone for such long periods of times. Her tail was just a wagging as I walked through the door. I then had to pass a sniff check – lots of interesting smells on me today. 


glittermom said...

Did you ever listen to John Prine? Might not be your kind of music. I love him.

Rita said...

It seems like it is hot as hell all over. It zaps my energy and enthusiasm. We have had record breaking heat in Denver. It is such a different summer than it was just last year. Denver is dry, not a humid climate. People have air conditioners here, but many also have evaporative (sp?) coolers, also known as swamp coolers. Everyone on my block has a swamp cooler. I know that people who live in humid area cannot imagine how adding humidity to the air cools you off. It works, and it is much less expensive to run than a.c. I did not run my swamp cooler at all last summer. This summer? The heat is killing me and I keep that thing running.