Wednesday, July 04, 2018

Rough and Tumble…

Box-of-KittensI pulled into the gate at the Humane Society and locked it behind me this morning. I didn’t want any unannounced visitors or pet gawkers. My phone was ringing as I unlocked the door and I answered it. It was Jermaine.

“Andrew? That radiator hasn’t come in, has it?” he asked.

“You know FedEx won’t deliver today since it is the fourth of July,” I told him.

“Oh yeah,” he said.

“We will get it installed this weekend,” I told him reassuringly and we got off the phone.

I got free standard 5 to 7 business day shipping and that is why it is taking so long.

My first duty was to check the cats as some of the more intellectually impaired felines turn over their water and food bowls during the night. The dogs have big ceramic bowls they can’t jostle and turn over. I smiled broadly as I walked by the kittens. They were feeling their oats this morning and were rough and tumble play fighting and ambushing each other using their litter box like a kid would use a sandbox.

The dogs were fine today. I topped off their water bowls and then spent a little time with everybody. I headed for the door feeling my duty was then done.


glittermom said...

What a lovely thing to do for lonely animals no one wants. Very sad. I’m sure they love 💕 when you pay them attention.

Sharyn said...

This is the life you deserve! You have a friend who needs you but isn't of the cunning to use you. You have a job that makes a difference. Without you, shelters could not afford to keep animals over 3 days. I have been there when a family walks in an hour or 2 too late! (However, if your pet is missing, go directly to the nearest shelters to where the pet went missing. Volunteers or even paid employees cannot tell your "cute brown dog" from that other "cute brown dog", ONLY YOU CAN!)

So enjoy this time! A friend and a job! AND a great family! You, boy, are walkin on sunshine! LOL

Rita said...

You need them as much as they need you.