Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Breakfast Unannounced…

Charlie goes to McDonald’s every single day to get Horsefly his morning biscuit. Well, I was sound asleep in the bed at eight dreaming about model trains when there was a very loud knock on the door. I was startled awake and thought these better not be missionaries. I pulled these creaky old bones out of the bed to go answer the door. Maggie was already at the door wagging her tail and barking.

“I got you two bacon, egg, and cheese biscuits,” Charlie said. “I know they are your favorite. I also got you the biggest diet Coke they sell.”

I chuckled sleepily and thanked Charlie very much.

“I am in a hurry to feed Horsefly and get on the road to work,” Charlie told me. “Love you and I will see you later.”

Isn’t Charlie just awesome? What a special friend to have even though he is sabotaging my diet unwittingly. Maggie and I ate our biscuits and I relished the diet Coke as I sat at my computer and tried to get woken up.

Charlie will then go home and tear up Horsefly’s biscuit in tiny pieces so he will not get choked. He then has an hour commute to and from work.

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