Sunday, July 22, 2018

I Can Be Bogart and You Can Be My Bacall…

Things with Laura aren’t going so well to me. I felt a kindred spirit in her in that she suffers from a lot of the same issues I suffer from, but our friendship feels forced and strained. Facebook chats have been really awkward as well. Maybe it is her mental illness and I need to be more kind and patient as I would hope someone would be with me. She said she wanted us to hang out a lot next month so we will just wait and see what happens. She says she has a lot of babysitting to do and doctor’s appointments till the end of this month.


glittermom said...

I thought your father was against you hanging around her.

Andrew said...

You are thinking of Tulena.

glittermom said...

I can’t keep track of all your ladies. LOL. Is this girl the one you went to school with?

Andrew said...

She went to the same high school as me, but she was several years younger. It is a moot point now as she isn't answering my chat requests on Facebook. We are finis.

glittermom said...

Don’t give up just yet. There may be a reason she’s not responding. Wait and see what happens.

glittermom said...

She did say she’d be busy till end of month. Dont do anything just wait and see if she contacts you in August. Maybe you’ll be surprised.