Friday, July 13, 2018

“Eat More Chicken!” Said the Cow.

Charlie’s been by. He brought Maggie and I Cokes and Chick-Fil-A sandwiches. He called me and said he was on the way. I was so glad to hear from him.

“I forgot you're drinking diet drinks,” Charlie apologized to me worriedly.

“I can splurge tonight,” I said happily of the two cans of regular Coke now in my hands. “It is just 280 calories for two and I haven’t eaten much today.”

“I would have been by earlier, but Horsefly bowled six games tonight,” Charlie told me. “I thought he was going to drop dead from exhaustion. He was a sweaty mess.”

Horsefly, like Charlie and I, has been known to overdo it from time to time. Moderation is the key.

“Have you heard from your daddy?” Charlie then asked me as he sat next to Maggie on the couch..

“There is no cell service on St. George’s island,” I told Charlie. “I don’t think the beach house even has a phone. We probably won’t hear from him until he’s headed home Saturday week.”

Charlie worked all day on top of seeing about Horsefly, Maggie, and me. He was ready to head home and kick up his feet. In all honesty, he will probably have some project to do around his new house.

“I am supposed to be checking your medications to see if you are taking them,” Charlie said urged by my father. “But I trust you to take them on your own.”

“Thank you,” I replied. “You will certainly know if I am not taking them.”

Maggie and I stood at my screen door as we waved goodbye to Charlie and he drove off headed to home. Charlie’s last words were that he would see me before taking Horsefly to his Saturday matinee. He said he is going to bring Maggie and I something to eat and drink every day while my father is away.


Summer said...

I love your Charlie!

glittermom said...

I wish Charlie was your dad! Or maybe your dad could be more like Charlie.