Friday, July 20, 2018

Tuna City…

One time my mother started feeding their two cats canned cat food as a treat. The basement smelled like a seafood shop and it was just a messy business glopping that food on paper plates. In my father’s defense, it was pretty gross. My father vowed that when those cats passed away and he got another cat he would feed it dry cat food only as he does with Samantha now. This brings us to the part that he would be deeply against me getting Maggie canned dogfood due to the previous scenario. “It would be messy and smelly,” I can hear him now say. My hands are tied on this one unfortunately.


glittermom said...

Cats should not be on a dry food only diet. Not healthy. Same as dogs. I guarantee if you put a small amt. of canned food out for Maggie she would eat it all and none left over to smell. But do what you want.

Sharyn said...

I tell ya. A good pot of soup would do you both good!

Summer said...

All dry food leads to urinary tract issues for cats. I don't know about dogs. And believe me, one can of dog food would disappear in a moment's notice with Maggie leaving no trace of evidence.