Wednesday, July 25, 2018

It’s a Start…

Well, I walked or should I say meandered around the neighborhood this evening trying to burn some calories. Maggie was with me and thoroughly enjoyed her outing. She balked when it was time to come back inside. She was having too much fun. We walked for about an hour.

I drove over to my father’s house a moment ago just to visit. I was feeling lonely and dad can always perk me up. We can talk about my mother’s antics over the years for hours. I needed a good laugh. I knocked on the door and rang the doorbell yet nobody came to the door. I waited and waited and then I checked the garage and both cars were there. I then called him on the phone. I should’ve called before coming.

“Where are you?” I asked miffed. “I am standing outside your back door.”

“I am at Zaxby’s eating supper with Horsefly and Charlie,” he replied.

I laughed.

“I thought you had fallen and couldn’t get to the door,” I told him. “I was about to let myself inside.”

“I am not that old and infirm just yet!” dad quipped.

We both then laughed.    

“Do you want me and Charlie to bring you something to eat?” dad asked.

“I’ve already eaten,” I replied, shying away from those fattening chicken fingers.

“I’ll see you when you get home,” I told my father and we both hung up.

1 comment:

Sharyn said...

That's how people greet each other on the cellphone in TN too! "Hey, where are you?" has replaced, "Hi, how ya doin'?" I usually lie. If they want to know where I am, it has got to have something to do with how close and how fast can I answer their beck and call! I turn off my gps and say I'm in Nashville. LOL