Friday, July 27, 2018

The Darnedess In Dedication…

I woke up at 8 AM so Maggie and I could walk when it is still cool. It is supposed to get up to 94° degrees today and was about 72° degrees when we left the house. Maggie got beside herself when I got the leash out of the computer room closet and away we went.

I didn’t walk as long this time. I have what is called a drop foot – nerve damage in my left leg. It comes from obsessively compulsively pacing the house before we got my medications situated years ago. I walked so much I damaged my leg. It makes me clumsy and I am always afraid I am going to fall while walking.

I want to get my Schwann mountain bike which Charlie has in storage. Dad told me to wait until Charlie is fully moved into his new house before I ask him about it.

“He has been so testy lately,” my father told me last night. “He might get testy with you about that bicycle.”

Simplest Things First…

Dad called me around noon. He couldn’t get his TV to come on and was in a severe panic. He thought the television or cable box had gone out.

“Calm down and check and make sure the cable box and TV are both on and that both are plugged up,” I told him not wanting to drive over there.

It turns out the cable box was turned off.  

“I don’t know what I would do without you, son,” he told me excitedly.

1 comment:

Gin said...

I understand your problem. I have foot drop, too. The doctor said it was an inherited condition. Luckily it doesn't bother me walking, but I simply cannot run. If I try, within a half block the front of my right foot is totally numb from having slapped the sidewalk so hard. Were I to keep going, the doctor said I would permanently damage the nerve and have no feeling in that foot again. No thanks. I'll walk, not run.