Monday, July 16, 2018

Ouch! Does that Hurt?

Charlie and I were checking out at Kroger tonight when Charlie just casually asks the clerk about her nose ring. Charlie has the gift of the gab that I don’t possess.

“Did it hurt to get it put in?” Charlie asked the very young and beautiful lady.

“It wasn’t that bad,” she replied with a warm smile.

She pulled on her nostril to show us how it was connected on the inside.

“Ouch!” Charlie yelped.

“She looked just like Amy Winehouse nose adornment and all,” I told Charlie as we left the store. “Just stunning!”

I had to explain to Charlie who Amy Winehouse was and how she came to her tragic end.

I spent $87 dollars tonight and Charlie said I should have spent more. He would’ve taken the blame. I knew I should have spent the $12 bucks for those Gain laundry detergent pods and Gain fabric softener. I am almost out, but feared the cost. I did get a a lot of diet friendly foods, though. I am really serious about this losing weight – more serious about anything I’ve been serious about in years. I want to be slim and trim in three months.

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