Monday, March 13, 2017

A Very Dreary Night For Grocery Shopping...

Skinny Minnie, dad added the fried bacon to the dough then baked them. It makes for a decadent breakfast for two or more -- even better with a dollop of strawberry preserves.


The rain was falling kind of sideways (Scottish weather) as my father and I loaded up my car with groceries. Water was dripping off the bib of my cap.

"I was really worried about you," my father told me as he gave me a hug tonight. "I was so glad to see all your indoor lights on and you being up and about.".

"Yeah, I had what Churchhill described as his black dog (depression) all last week," I told my father. "I always bounce back, though."

I spent $74 dollars tonight and my father didn't day a word. He was just happy to see me and for me to be okay.


glittermom said...

Seems always rains on your grocery night...

Kran's Crackers said...

Aww, your Dad really does love you a lot! It's nice how your relationship with him has evolved over the years. Glad you're feeling a bit better now.
- Sharon -